Director of Music


Organisation: Ipswich Choral Society

East Anglia

Ipswich Choral Society

Director of Music

Ipswich Choral Society, a SATB choir of some 90 voices, is looking for an enthusiastic, dynamic Director of Music to start work with the choir in January 2025, following the retirement of our current Director. We are an extremely friendly and welcoming choir that includes a range of ages and experience. Founded in 1824, we perform music from the 16th to 21st Centuries, from a cappella to major choral works with professional orchestras and soloists.

We rehearse every Tuesday evening in term times, supported by an accompanist, in the Northgate Arts Centre, Ipswich. We perform two or three concerts each year in venues that include The Ipswich Corn Exchange, Churches and Schools in the Ipswich area, and occasionally at Snape Maltings Concert Hall. We are also regular performers at Ipswich Music Day and at other civic events. On occasion we travel abroad to perform and have links in Italy, Austria and Turkey. 

Please see our website for more information about the choir 

We seek a trained choral and orchestral conductor with:

The new Director will work with and have the full co-operation of the committee in developing an interesting and challenging programme and in furthering his or her own professional skills.

The position is remunerated in line with currently accepted practice.

For an application form and information pack please email:

To apply for this position, please email a covering letter, completed application form and your CV to or post to Phil Powditch 6 Swan Close, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk IP5 3SD.

If you require an informal discussion about the position, please email the Society Chair: 

Phil Powditch to arrange a call.

The deadline for application is 17th May 2024

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